NSW Government boards and committees provide leadership, direction and accountability across many areas of NSW Government activity. They are also a vital link between the community and the Government, helping to align citizen needs and the delivery of services. These boards and committees are diverse in terms of functions, form, size and operational processes.
As a senior executive you may be required to participate in committees, present to boards and support your agency to work with these groups.
Your role may also require you to hold a position on a government board or to oversee the operations of a board in the role of Executive Officer.
If you are invited to participate in a non-government board you should consult your agency’s internal conflict of interest policy.
Participating in government boards
Senior executives may be appointed to a government board:
- as the Minister’s or Secretary’s nominee, by virtue of legislation or at the Minister’s discretion
- by virtue of their office (known as an ex-officio appointment).
Executives are generally not entitled to receive remuneration for board appointments.
If you are a member of government board, it is important to document the nature of your role, any conflicts of interest and relevant reporting relationships as a government representative. When performing your role on the board, you should not present any personal position that is contrary to the Minister’s directives or the Government's policy agenda.
Establishing government boards
Government boards can be established by legislation or by a decision of executive government. The Cabinet Office NSW Government Boards and Committee Guidelines provide advice on establishing a new board or committee.
As part of the establishment process, Ministers are to consult the Public Service Commissioner to determine the appropriate classification and remuneration (if any) for the board. The Public Service Commission Classification and Remuneration for NSW Government Boards and Committees provides advice on classification and remuneration.
More information on the process for appointments to boards or committees is available from The Cabinet Office.